A Snowy Street Photography Walk In Berlin
Written by Jaillan Yehia
Can you think of a single city as synonymous with über-cool street life as Berlin? On my recent trip to the erstwhile divided capital this coolness extended its grip to the elements, with a sub-zero snow-covering lending an extra dimension to the urban landscape.
Shooting in the snow with frozen toes kicking fresh drifts and tingly fingers clutching lens caps was a challenge and was nicely book-ended with indoor coffee-shop and hostel-culture photo shoots and geeky chats about everything from ISO to the harder to pin down eye required for composition.
You can be the judge of whether these images from my chilly afternoon mentoring sesh with Berlin-based and Aussie-born travel and documentary photographer Katrina James warm your cockles rather than leave you cold…
More Info on Katrina’s Berlin-based Photography Mentor Workshops –

Katrina shows blogger The Budget Traveller a thing or two on the streets of Berlin
Katrina has now relocated back to her native Australia so her Berlin sessions are sadly no longer available.
Tags: Berlin, Germany, Photos, Street photography, travel photography
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